Ontario is home to thousands of manufacturers and to hundreds of publicly-funded and non-profit organizations that support the province’s manufacturing ecosystem. However, connecting these two groups can be challenging.

Over the summer of 2021, the Trillium Network compiled a list of these publicly-funded and non-profit organizations and placed them into a free, searchable directory. This directory provides information about more than 200 of these organizations. Many of these organizations are affiliated with Ontario universities, colleges, hospitals, and incubators.

Each entry includes an overview of the ecosystem partner, its area(s) of specialization, the service(s) it provides, and its contact information. The directory can be sorted by services offered, industry, location, and type of parent organization. These partners allow researchers, students, and industry professionals to collaborate in pursuit of innovative solutions to today’s manufacturing challenges.

If your non-profit or publicly-funded organization supports Ontario’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem and should be added to our directory, please contact us at info@trilliummfg.ca.