Good Things Brewing: the Growth of Ontario’s Craft Beer Industry
Canadian-owned breweries represent one of the fastest-growing segments of Ontario manufacturing.
Ontario is home to well over 300 breweries, nearly four times the number that existed only a decade ago. Moreover, Ontario’s Canadian-owned craft breweries employed more than 4,600 people in 2019, representing nearly 80 percent of all brewery employees in the province.
The Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing has partnered with the Ontario Craft Brewers (OCB) to learn about the growth of craft brewing in Ontario over the past decade. Over the past few months, Trillium staff have participated in OCB events and visited a number of breweries and partner organizations (e.g. Niagara College Teaching Brewery, the Centre for Craft Brewing Innovation at Durham College) to discuss their roles in supporting the growth of Ontario’s craft brewing industry. Through this initiative, we have also learned about the evolution and governance of the industry, the innovative approaches to business espoused by Ontario’s craft brewers, and the spirit of collaboration that exists among Ontario’s craft brewing community.
The full report is available here.
Profiles of Ontario craft brewers are available here.
Click here to learn more about the OCB.