Advocating for good jobs to stay in Ontario means paying a living wage
London, Ontario — The Ontario Living Wage Network (OLWN) is pleased to announce that the Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing has become a certified living wage employer with all employees earning at least $16.20 per hour.
The Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising public and investor awareness of Ontario’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem, with the intention of supporting growth and improving competitiveness. Brendan Sweeney, Managing Director, explains why they decided to certify:
“The Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing believes that paying the living wage, or more, demonstrates that we value our employees health and well-being. A living wage demonstrates that we believe in the growth of our staff, community and economy.”
A living wage is calculated by the OLWN to show how much a household—two adults working full time supporting two small children—must earn per hour in order to make ends meet and enjoy modest participation in their civic and cultural community. The living wage for London has been calculated at $16.20 per hour.

“When you pay staff a living wage, you are signaling that your employees are assets. Staff who are constantly worried about meeting their basic needs cannot be as focused as those who have their needs met. Establishing that you value your team members by paying above the living wage will result in increased staff loyalty and productivity. It’s a simple cost-value analysis” adds Denise Deschênes-McKay, Operations Manager.
‘The OLWN is pleased to welcome Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing to the list of over 380 certified living wage employers in Ontario, with 28 in London. It is fantastic to see employers implement changes to ensure employees are earning a steady and reliable living wage. Paying a living wage is a tremendous expression of respect for individual workers, their families, and the communities where they live” says Anne Coleman, Program Manager of the OLWN.
Employers who are interested in becoming Living Wage certified can contact the Ontario Living Wage Network for more information at ontariolivingwage.ca
For further information contact:
Craig Pickthorne
Communications Coordinator
Ontario Living Wage Network
p: 416.655.7609
e. craig@ontariolivingwage.ca