Building the Future Manufacturing Workforce: Attracting, retaining & funding co-op talent – The Work-Learn Institute
Have you struggled to find innovative, reliable talent? Are you unsure how students could be leveraged in your organization? Do you need help accessing funding to support your hires?
“Building the Future Manufacturing Workforce” is geared towards helping the manufacturing industry navigate hiring and leveraging co-op students from the lab to the line and office.
During this event, you’ll hear from a panel of manufacturing organizations about how to create a co-op program across your organization. You’ll also learn the current state of the industry, the importance of creating meaningful work opportunities, how to attract talent and current opportunities to engage and build a talent pipeline.
Following the main presentations, breakout sessions will be offered to attendees. These sessions will focus on:
- Access funding opportunities to help cover up to $7,500 in student wages during work terms.
- How to Hire co-op students from the University of Waterloo
- Expanding hiring to explore the value of Arts and Math students.
Click here for more information and to register for the event.