The Forge

Organizational focus: The Forge focuses on providing entrepreneurial support to help innovators create active enterprises. 

Who they are: The Forge is a McMaster University-funded business incubator within McMaster’s Innovation Park. It serves startups in the Hamilton, Greater Toronto, and Niagara regions. It is a team of professionals and industry experts that guide and support startup companies.

What they offer: The Forge offers programs to facilitate idea development, validation, and sustainable growth. This includes a variety of services such as personal mentorship, professional support services, access to advanced prototyping equipment, and networking opportunities. It supports start-ups in a variety of industries including advanced manufacturing, life sciences, automotive, and aerospace.


The Forge
Suite B21 – McMaster Innovation Park
175 Longwood Rd. S
Hamilton, ON
L8P 0A1

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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