Surface Science Western (SSW)

Organizational focus: Surface Science Western (SSW) is focused on solving scientific questions related to materials and surfaces research.

Who they are: Based at Western University, SSW is a research laboratory specializing in the analysis and characterization of surfaces and materials. The lab works with approximately 175 different companies in a given year, representing many sectors of the economy including, energy and nuclear, mineral resources, health services, automotive, aerospace, the environment and electronics.

What they offer: SSW holds a variety of expertise including additive manufacturing, surface analysis and characterization, and nuclear materialization. In servicing a range of clients, from small manufacturing facilities to industrial enterprises, SSW has developed its expertise to be multidisciplinary across sectors.


Surface Science Western
Western University
999 Collip Cir
London, ON
N6G 0J3

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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