Smart Manufacturing and Advanced Recycling Technologies (SMART) Centre

Organizational focus: The Smart Manufacturing and Advanced Recycling Technologies (SMART) Centre provides applied research expertise to support e-waste/plastics recycling.

Who they are: Based at Conestoga College in Cambridge, the SMART Centre was established in 2020 to support applied research, technical services, and training in the areas of advanced manufacturing, advanced recycling technologies, and cyber security. 

What they offer: The SMART Centre offers a range of research and development support related to automation and robotics applications, industrial control solutions, sensor design, electronic design, and prototyping and testing services. The centre offers 13,000 square feet of space across four laboratories including the Advanced Manufacturing Lab, the Advanced Recycling Technologies Lab, the Cybersecurity Lab, and the Visualization and Sensors Lab.


Smart Manufacturing and Advanced Recycling Technologies Centre
96 Grand Ave. S
Cambridge, ON
N1S 2L9

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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