Ontario Agri-Food Venture Centre (OAFVC)

Organizational focus: The Ontario Agri-Food Venture Centre (OAFVC) focuses on helping food entrepreneurs and farmers bring Ontario products to market.

Who they are: Based in Colborne, OAFVC is a food manufacturing facility for entrepreneurs looking to expand their food based ventures into the production phase. Its team is made up of industry experts and food service professionals to assist with the production process.

What they offer: OAFVC can help businesses looking to launch their products by providing access to its production and storage spaces. Its suite of services includes manufacturing equipment and production assistance, clean space, food-safe storage, and hops processing.


Ontario Agri-Food Venture Centre
216 Purdy Rd
Colborne, ON
K0K 1S0

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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