Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation, and Applied Research Corporation (MIRARCO)

Organizational focus: The Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation, and Applied Research Corporation (MIRARCO) develops innovative technologies and solutions, to support the global mining industry.

Who they are: Based at Laurentian University, MIRARCO is a not-for-profit research organization that works collaboratively with industry, the private sector, government and academia to assist the mining industry. They have several dedicated facilities including the Decision Support Software Centre, the Energy Centre, the Safety Research and Training Centre, and the Geomechanics Research Centre.

What they offer: MIRARCO is engaged in five core research domains: biotechnology, geomechanics, safety, software, and energy. Partners can access customized applied research teams, dedicated post-secondary student resources, funding subsidy programs and tax credits, and facilities dedicated to testing, analytics, and visualization.


Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation, and Applied Research Corporation
Room 203, Cliff Fielding Building
Laurentian University
935 Ramsey Lake Rd
Sudbury ON
P3E 2C6

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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