McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI)

Organizational focus: A member of the  Ontario Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (OAMC), the McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI) develops intelligent solutions to issues faced by Canada’s manufacturers in all steps of machining processes.

Who they are: Located at McMaster Innovation Park, MMRI is an applied research and innovation centre that uses its multidisciplinary team to help small and medium-sized enterprises solve manufacturing challenges.

What they offer: MMRI consists of seven research labs that each specialize in a branch of manufacturing including machine systems, metal forming, micro-manufacturing, polymer processing and design, robotics and automation, thermal processing, material property assessment, and electrochemical manufacturing. MMRI offers prototype development, scale-up processes, advanced machining, and materials development services.


McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute
230 Longwood Rd S
Hamilton, ON
L8P 0A6

Contact Information

Published: June 7, 2024

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