Innovation Boost Zone (IBZ)

Organizational focus: The Innovation Boost Zone (IBZ) provides support and resources to help tech entrepreneurs reach commercialization.

Who they are: Established by Toronto Metropolitan University’s Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science, IBZ is an early-stage startup incubator that supports tech startups. IBZ has several industries of focus including robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, health tech, manufacturing and logistics, energy and cleantech, the internet of things, and fintech.

What they offer: IBZ provides startups access to programs, advisors, mentorship, co-working space and funding. It also provides opportunities to gain support for networking with experts, product and process development, market research, patent navigation, intellectual property protection, market validation, and preparation for meeting with potential investors.


Innovation Boost Zone
Suite 921
20 Dundas St W
Toronto, ON
M5G 2H1

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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