Material Characterization Core Facility (MatChar)

Organizational focus: The Material Characterization Core Facility (MatChar) focuses on the challenges of creating new materials with environmental and health science applications.

Who they are: Based at the University of Ottawa, MatChar is a collaborative research centre that brings together diverse researchers from the University of Ottawa’s Centre for Research and Innovation in Catalysis (CCRI), The Centre for Research in Photonic (CRP) and The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. 

What they offer: MatChar offers research expertise, training, and partnerships with various institutes and hospitals throughout Ottawa to advance materials research and commercialization. MatChar has four research groups focusing on light-matter interactions, the environment, energy, sustainability, biophotonics, and health and diagnosis.


Material Characterization Core Facility
D’Iorio Hall
University of Ottawa
800 King Edward Ave
Ottawa, ON
K1N 6N5

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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