CanmetENERGY Ottawa

Organizational focus: CanmetENERGY Ottawa focuses on developing energy science and technology solutions for Canadians’ environmental and economic benefit.

Who they are: CanmetENERGY Ottawa is a Natural Resources Canada Research Centre that specializes in energy efficiency, clean fuels, and renewable or alternative energy sources. It applies scientific expertise and its pilot-scale facilities to collaborate with partners in industry and research institutes on the advancement of clean energy technologies.

What they offer: CanmetENERGY Ottawa supports partners’ technology ambitions from the initial research stage to commercialization. It develops and directs programs across many areas, including carbon capture utilization and storage, transportation, industry, renewables, oil and gas, bioenergy, and northern and remote energy.


CanmetENGERGY Ottawa
1 Haanel Drive
Nepean, ON
K1A 1M1

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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