Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy (CCEM)

Organizational focus: The Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy (CCEM) enables users and partners to solve tomorrow’s materials problems using its microscopy capabilities.

Who they are: Based at McMaster University, CCEM is a nationally-funded research facility that provides ion and electron microscopy (EM) capabilities for Canadian researchers and industries working in a broad range of fields. CCEM serves users from academia and industry globally using its electron microscopy research, as well as training and services that help to accelerate material innovations. 

What they offer: CCEM houses several suites of advanced electron and ion microscopes, in addition to a team of full-time professional expert staff who operate the facility, perform microscopy services, and train users. Its research projects are based in biology, chemistry, geology, and engineering.


Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy (CCEM)
Room B161, A.N. Bourns Science Building
Mcmaster University
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4M1

Contact Information

Published: June 5, 2024

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